Thursday, 8 August 2013

Trip the Light Fantastic

Islington Gazette again, 1867 this time, and a story that's so patronising it'd drive a high church Anglican to fury:

'The usual Christmas entertainment provided for the inmates of this establishment took place in the dining hall of the institution [Hornsey Road infant poor house], on the evening of Thurs last.

The amusements commenced, as on previous occasions, with an exhibition of the laughter-provoking 'Punch' and a clever performance with marionnettes.

This part of the entertainment was followed by one equally as gratifying to the young recipients of the Trustees' liberality, and this was the distribution of an abundant supply of cakes, oranges, toys, etc.

Then came the performance of instrumental music by the school band, under the conduct of their indefatigable instructor, Mr Pheminster.

This was succed by recitations and singing by the children, who appeard
to acquit themselves to the satisfaction of the numerous audience assembled. The conclusion of this part of the evening's proceedings was the signal for the removal of tables and seats to enable the young ones to 'trip on the light fantastic' etc... which healthful exercise they enjoyed to their heart's content; when the performance by the band of the national anthem brought to a termination another pleasant anniversary of the children's Christmas treat.

Several of the trustees and their friends were present, and appeared heartily to participate in the feeling of happiness which pervaded the whole of the proceedings.

On Friday afternoon last the Mr and Mrs Gunnery and a party of ladies and gentlemen attended by appointment to distribute a large quantity of oranges, buns and toys, provided by the Rev. gentleman, amongst the inmates of this establishment.

The benevolent donor and party, after spending considerable time with the little ones, left evidently well-pleased with having been the means of promoting the happiness of those who had been the recipients of their bounty.'

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